Server Update Progress (2nd)

I had to take a break last week because of other committments. Yesterday I could pickup the work again and I am progressing on a _virtual_ level on the migration. What does “virtual” mean? More later to that.

Well, I am going through the list of the plugins as they were in the old server and (for those that are externally written and still being developed) download the latest version or (those that were custom-built for the server or those abanadoned) find the source code and try to update it for the latest minecraft server version.

The first part is relatively straightforward, the second one is much more complicated – in cases. While the plugins that we wrote for this server are all very small and often very easy to update, others are rather complicated because the core function is completely deprecated or because my Java skills are not sufficient to quickly do the job. So far I fixed 9 out of 10 plugins of this type and more to come (i.e there is one I could not fix so far).

The issue now is that I changed the plugins so that the code compiles and does not throw any error. This is where the “virtual” is coming in. I have not had the opportunity to actually test them in-game. There is a high chance that most of them will be easy to fix even if they prove not to work initially or if other issues arise. Another option will be that if one plugin REALLY proves to be hard to fix that we restrict some feature for a while or find a workaround until we can sustainably fix it. I hope that I will be able to start proper testing towards the end of this week and see some sustainable progress. Will keep you guys updated.

2 thoughts on “Server Update Progress (2nd)

  1. Thank you for the update, so if the coding gives us all super powers in game I don’t think any of us will mind being able to single hit a mob to death. Or the ability to walk on lava, otherwise keep up the good work and life should always take priority over games.

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