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Post History: jonqrandom
11 years ago
i'm not on the server much anymore, but i'm aware the darklands is about to get a refresh …In: darlands potion hut and wool farm
11 years ago
didn't see any sign, maybe someone took it? don't know why someone's stealing signs b …In: creeper damage in darklands builds
12 years ago
found creeper damage in the darklands desert base, fixed it up as best i can remember it looking. as …In: creeper damage in darklands builds
12 years ago
two signs have been removed from the multi-colour wool farm in the darklands, approximate location x …In: grief report: DL wool farm
12 years ago
i'd happily fix this myself, except i've read that i shouldn't because that makes it …In: multi level enchantment table - blocks missing
12 years ago