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Post History: spencer454
Okay so let me start. i have no idea on how to do this but i might give it a try also i'm quite …In: Spencer's mining service
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
Hello, i was just on the server and it looks like it crashed. i get the message "Internal Excep …In: Is the server down?
10 years ago
I have just looked on the home screen to see how many days i have been in this community and it says …In: Registered days
10 years ago
10 years ago
Ok so i have had two of my friends sign up to the website and not one of them got the email with the …In: People not receiving an email when signing up
10 years ago
Teleporting someone to a lot should not be that hard through the website. it is just sending a tp co …In: Guest user rights.
10 years ago
And unc if anything like what benjaminpoher said i could look into a plugin or even get my friend to …In: Guest user rights.
10 years ago
I am happy with anything. also good idea @benjaminpoher. and also a guest has just left because he h …In: Guest user rights.
10 years ago
If they got enderpearls it cant be abused because they wont be able to pickup or even drop thingsIn: Guest user rights.
10 years ago