Asking for forgiveness from those I made mad in the past.

Quote from VixenGold on 2015/07/03, 10:30I have been off for several months and for a very good reason. A lot had been going on with my and it was getting very stressful. I had divorced in 2006 but my ex husband and his dad continued to take me for court. I was going back to court on different things 1 to 3 times each month. The stress was getting horrible. They even lied to the judge and said that I owed them $1500 in back child support when I had proof that I was ahead in child support. Well the judge believed them and put me in jail for 1 1/2 days. The stress was taking such a tole on me that I was taking my anger out of people on Uncovery. I saw what was happening with me so I had to get off for a while before I got a ban. I will be the first to say it, I was being a B&*^%.
A few months ago, while I was 8 months pregnant, my oldest daughter who you know as Blood Kitten, pushed me in anger and I almost fell down. This was about 5 to 6 months ago. Needless to say I called the cops on her and she will not be back to my house. That also means she will not be back on Uncovery. Was a hard decision but she went too far.
Needless to say after I kicked her out the lawsuits have stopped. They got what they wanted. Also she wanted to stay with them. They had bought her with all the trips, Hawaii(4 times), Europe, Japan. They got her everything she wanted when I could not even come up with gas money to take my kids to the zoo. Not asking for pity, just telling you what happened. I am sad about losing my first born but she changed into a money grubbing little ..... She even told me that she was only looking out for herself. I lost my little girl because we had no money. Family was not enough for her. She wanted designer clothes, horse lessons, dance lessons, manicures, trips all over the world. At the time I was trying to scrape together enough money for diapers and baby formula. I could not give her any of that and she knew it.
I have had enough time to destress. Even have a new baby girl. She is 3 months old. Was 2 weeks early and weighed a bit under 7 pounds. My husband finally got a good job, he was out of work for over 2 years. Things are going great right now. I am in a much better frame of mind to be with others.
To those that I have made mad, I know that there are several, I am very sorry. My behavior was uncalled for and if you do not accept my apology I understand. I do not ask for people to forget how I acted before. I do not ask for immediate forgiveness. I do ask that you give me another chance to prove that I have changed. I do not remember who all I made mad but I figure that it was a lot of them. I ask that if I can I prove to you that I am a better person that you might see it in your heart to forgive me and take off the bad Karma.
I rather not talk about my daughter, BloodKitten, anymore. It still breaks my heart that she did what she did. She had even told my other children some lies and got one of them so upset that it was disrupting her at school. She was crying nonstop for 2 weeks. My other children are glad she is gone for what she did. I rather not talk about any of this on the server for I want to avoid any server drama.
Thank you for taking the time to read this. I hope that I can show you that I am really a good person and not the bitter hag that I was several months ago. I am not even asking for any replies on this. I rather you sit back and let my actions and talk speak for its self. If I see the negative Karma come off then I will know that I have shown that I am a better person then I was before. If anyone decides to rip me a new one for how I acted before, I understand and deserve it. I am very sorry if this opens a can of worms but I needed to say that I am very sorry for my actions in the past. Before any judgement, please, please give me a chance to earn your forgiveness.
I have been off for several months and for a very good reason. A lot had been going on with my and it was getting very stressful. I had divorced in 2006 but my ex husband and his dad continued to take me for court. I was going back to court on different things 1 to 3 times each month. The stress was getting horrible. They even lied to the judge and said that I owed them $1500 in back child support when I had proof that I was ahead in child support. Well the judge believed them and put me in jail for 1 1/2 days. The stress was taking such a tole on me that I was taking my anger out of people on Uncovery. I saw what was happening with me so I had to get off for a while before I got a ban. I will be the first to say it, I was being a B&*^%.
A few months ago, while I was 8 months pregnant, my oldest daughter who you know as Blood Kitten, pushed me in anger and I almost fell down. This was about 5 to 6 months ago. Needless to say I called the cops on her and she will not be back to my house. That also means she will not be back on Uncovery. Was a hard decision but she went too far.
Needless to say after I kicked her out the lawsuits have stopped. They got what they wanted. Also she wanted to stay with them. They had bought her with all the trips, Hawaii(4 times), Europe, Japan. They got her everything she wanted when I could not even come up with gas money to take my kids to the zoo. Not asking for pity, just telling you what happened. I am sad about losing my first born but she changed into a money grubbing little ..... She even told me that she was only looking out for herself. I lost my little girl because we had no money. Family was not enough for her. She wanted designer clothes, horse lessons, dance lessons, manicures, trips all over the world. At the time I was trying to scrape together enough money for diapers and baby formula. I could not give her any of that and she knew it.
I have had enough time to destress. Even have a new baby girl. She is 3 months old. Was 2 weeks early and weighed a bit under 7 pounds. My husband finally got a good job, he was out of work for over 2 years. Things are going great right now. I am in a much better frame of mind to be with others.
To those that I have made mad, I know that there are several, I am very sorry. My behavior was uncalled for and if you do not accept my apology I understand. I do not ask for people to forget how I acted before. I do not ask for immediate forgiveness. I do ask that you give me another chance to prove that I have changed. I do not remember who all I made mad but I figure that it was a lot of them. I ask that if I can I prove to you that I am a better person that you might see it in your heart to forgive me and take off the bad Karma.
I rather not talk about my daughter, BloodKitten, anymore. It still breaks my heart that she did what she did. She had even told my other children some lies and got one of them so upset that it was disrupting her at school. She was crying nonstop for 2 weeks. My other children are glad she is gone for what she did. I rather not talk about any of this on the server for I want to avoid any server drama.
Thank you for taking the time to read this. I hope that I can show you that I am really a good person and not the bitter hag that I was several months ago. I am not even asking for any replies on this. I rather you sit back and let my actions and talk speak for its self. If I see the negative Karma come off then I will know that I have shown that I am a better person then I was before. If anyone decides to rip me a new one for how I acted before, I understand and deserve it. I am very sorry if this opens a can of worms but I needed to say that I am very sorry for my actions in the past. Before any judgement, please, please give me a chance to earn your forgiveness.
Quote from brianadanielle on 2015/08/30, 16:09I'm glad things are getting better for you. I have been off for a while because of work but hoping to play a lot for a while now. Can't wait for you to come back! :) Stay strong.
I'm glad things are getting better for you. I have been off for a while because of work but hoping to play a lot for a while now. Can't wait for you to come back! :) Stay strong.

Quote from CharitableClas on 2015/12/17, 03:09It is sad to see that but hope things get better for you.
It is sad to see that but hope things get better for you.