Avenge Your Stolen Items!

Quote from Brewda on 2012/10/31, 22:37Hello everyone.
People have been losing items due to griefers and thieves. Although there is nothing I can do in regards to your belongings, I can provide you with a method to determine who the culprit is. A very simple way is to place ore's around the chests you own. For example, you may have a small chest placed in front of you, instead of using any more blocks than need be you can simply place a single piece of iron ore above the chest. This prevents them from being able to open your chests without breaking the iron ore. Uncovery should be able to determine who broke the iron ore by using the coordinates that the ore was at. It should show the user that broke the ore. Although this may not be enough to prove ban worthy, we will be able to see if there are repeat offenders, which should be enough to issue a ban.
I hope this method of doing things will prevent theft and remove those that are thieves.
Hello everyone.
People have been losing items due to griefers and thieves. Although there is nothing I can do in regards to your belongings, I can provide you with a method to determine who the culprit is. A very simple way is to place ore's around the chests you own. For example, you may have a small chest placed in front of you, instead of using any more blocks than need be you can simply place a single piece of iron ore above the chest. This prevents them from being able to open your chests without breaking the iron ore. Uncovery should be able to determine who broke the iron ore by using the coordinates that the ore was at. It should show the user that broke the ore. Although this may not be enough to prove ban worthy, we will be able to see if there are repeat offenders, which should be enough to issue a ban.
I hope this method of doing things will prevent theft and remove those that are thieves.

Quote from Brewda on 2012/10/31, 22:56Edit: They are still able to destroy the chest. So if you want to be extra careful, place 4 iron ore around the chest so that they are forced to remove the ore.
Edit: They are still able to destroy the chest. So if you want to be extra careful, place 4 iron ore around the chest so that they are forced to remove the ore.