"Donate!" link displays empty screen
Quote from Stayen on 2014/04/02, 17:53"Donate!" link (http://uncovery.me/help-2/donate/ ) displays warning ("You must be logged in..") when accessed by a guest user.
After I log in, it starts displaying empty page (no HTML at all). Tested on several different browsers.
"Donate!" link (http://uncovery.me/help-2/donate/ ) displays warning ("You must be logged in..") when accessed by a guest user.
After I log in, it starts displaying empty page (no HTML at all). Tested on several different browsers.
Quote from linklux on 2014/04/02, 17:57I've got the same problem. I heard the higher ranked players had no issues with the donation page though.
I've got the same problem. I heard the higher ranked players had no issues with the donation page though.
Quote from uncovery on 2014/04/02, 20:47This is very weird. I have to find out why this happens to some users. Not everyone is affected.
This is very weird. I have to find out why this happens to some users. Not everyone is affected.
Quote from damonc on 2014/04/03, 10:36Does the page link to a separate page that actually performs a transaction? Maybe we can use that.
Also, I tried using google to find a cached version to see if it could be viewed that way, but it also doesn't work.
It's weird though because I tried a bunch of links and they all showed up fine.
Like here: http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:http://uncovery.me/help-2/first-aid/
Does the page link to a separate page that actually performs a transaction? Maybe we can use that.
Also, I tried using google to find a cached version to see if it could be viewed that way, but it also doesn't work.
It's weird though because I tried a bunch of links and they all showed up fine.
Like here: http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:http://uncovery.me/help-2/first-aid/