First huge tunnel in new Darklands now has an ice floor

Quote from VixenGold on 2018/10/15, 12:13The tunnel starts at the jungle tree in the spawn area by the animal farm near the windmill. The floor is now all ice so it will make for super fast travel on a boat. The tunnel is very very long and is 4 wide to have room for boats to pass each other. It hits the jungle, reef, desert, and mesa. There is a little house at each point at the surface but it is just a shack. If anyone wants to make it pretty I have the mats for it, or I will get to it when done with the walls and roof of the tunnel.
I will be working on the walls next. Due to how crazy the boat is and that one can easily get turned around I will make one wall red and one wall white. The white wall will be on your right when heading for Spawn. This will take about a week to finish. I have left xp giving blocks in the walls, redstone, coal, etc because I am using a mending pickaxe and but I am being careful I can stay out for very long times and not head in to fix my pickaxe. I will need this xp as I take out a layer on each side of the tunnel to put in color walls. If someone needs any of these mats I have a bunch at my base house on my jungle tree island by spawn, take what you need. This will save you time and save the xp for my pickaxe. :)
Please do not use water on the lava that is next to the tunnels that are open. That is for light and if watered over mobs will get in the tunnel. Feel free to dig out from the tunnel, just please close up behind you. We do not want open side tunnels for they let in mobs and also boats can get jammed on them. Thank you and Happy Building.
The tunnel starts at the jungle tree in the spawn area by the animal farm near the windmill. The floor is now all ice so it will make for super fast travel on a boat. The tunnel is very very long and is 4 wide to have room for boats to pass each other. It hits the jungle, reef, desert, and mesa. There is a little house at each point at the surface but it is just a shack. If anyone wants to make it pretty I have the mats for it, or I will get to it when done with the walls and roof of the tunnel.
I will be working on the walls next. Due to how crazy the boat is and that one can easily get turned around I will make one wall red and one wall white. The white wall will be on your right when heading for Spawn. This will take about a week to finish. I have left xp giving blocks in the walls, redstone, coal, etc because I am using a mending pickaxe and but I am being careful I can stay out for very long times and not head in to fix my pickaxe. I will need this xp as I take out a layer on each side of the tunnel to put in color walls. If someone needs any of these mats I have a bunch at my base house on my jungle tree island by spawn, take what you need. This will save you time and save the xp for my pickaxe. :)
Please do not use water on the lava that is next to the tunnels that are open. That is for light and if watered over mobs will get in the tunnel. Feel free to dig out from the tunnel, just please close up behind you. We do not want open side tunnels for they let in mobs and also boats can get jammed on them. Thank you and Happy Building.