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Looking for Mod Beta Testers!

Hello all!

The forums have been slow lately, so I don't even know if anyone will see this. :(

I have made a relatively simple Minecraft mod, designed for use in 1.8. It pretty much just adds bacon to the game. However, it goes beyond that, and includes tools, superweapons, and cool things. It is appropriately named: The Bacon+ Mod.

So, cool. I'm looking for beta testers to try it out, tell me what they think, and tell me what's broken. I figured that Uncovery, being a supportive community, would help me out.

There's the speil. If interested, just leave a reply below with some way for me to send you a download link, whether it be email, FB Messenger, or whatever you use.

Thanks guys!


Hit me up.

Jonno, I've sent it to you. Hope you'll reply soon!