New Darklands Spawn area

Quote from VixenGold on 2012/11/04, 01:32Today me and some others cleaned up a huge mess near the spawn building area. It was of cobble, stonebrick and nether stuff. The mess was there for several days before it was cleaned up. This was in hopes that who ever put it there would complete their build. I think that the griefer did some damage to it but it was a mess before that. Please lets keep the area near spawn looking nice. Have also noticed dirt houses and just random bricks being placed where ever around spawn area. If you are in the middle of construction please post it on a sign on your build.
Last is the trees. Please replant trees as you take them down. If everyone takes but do not replant then we will need to walk farther to get wood. It takes just a second to place a sapling down. Don't need bonemeal for instant growth just need to plant. They will grow. There are a few tree farms near but people are taking wood but not replanting. Some are even just taking the wood close to the ground and leaving floating tops. We need to take the tree completely down. If we take just a few extra seconds this place will continue to look great.
I hate to rock the boat on this but we have done a lot of work to make this area look great. Would love to see it stay nice.
Today me and some others cleaned up a huge mess near the spawn building area. It was of cobble, stonebrick and nether stuff. The mess was there for several days before it was cleaned up. This was in hopes that who ever put it there would complete their build. I think that the griefer did some damage to it but it was a mess before that. Please lets keep the area near spawn looking nice. Have also noticed dirt houses and just random bricks being placed where ever around spawn area. If you are in the middle of construction please post it on a sign on your build.
Last is the trees. Please replant trees as you take them down. If everyone takes but do not replant then we will need to walk farther to get wood. It takes just a second to place a sapling down. Don't need bonemeal for instant growth just need to plant. They will grow. There are a few tree farms near but people are taking wood but not replanting. Some are even just taking the wood close to the ground and leaving floating tops. We need to take the tree completely down. If we take just a few extra seconds this place will continue to look great.
I hate to rock the boat on this but we have done a lot of work to make this area look great. Would love to see it stay nice.

Quote from VixenGold on 2012/11/07, 00:51Today I went to the public farm to check on it was disappointed in what I saw. Someone took all the potatoes and carrots that were planted and replanted wheat in their place. I would hate to think that someone did this in hopes to corner the market on potatoes and carrots. Instead I will think that the person was greedy and wanted all the veggies to themselves. Can't be lazy because wheat was planted instead. Please when you get stuff from the public farm replant the same in its place. A lot of hard work went into making this farm by a lot of people. The food here is for all to get and use. Be fare to others. Leave the place the same or better then when you left it for you and others to use again.
Thanks for the donation of veggies to replant back the way it was. Big hugs. Wont name who but you got a karma point from me. Wish I could you more then one.
Today I went to the public farm to check on it was disappointed in what I saw. Someone took all the potatoes and carrots that were planted and replanted wheat in their place. I would hate to think that someone did this in hopes to corner the market on potatoes and carrots. Instead I will think that the person was greedy and wanted all the veggies to themselves. Can't be lazy because wheat was planted instead. Please when you get stuff from the public farm replant the same in its place. A lot of hard work went into making this farm by a lot of people. The food here is for all to get and use. Be fare to others. Leave the place the same or better then when you left it for you and others to use again.
Thanks for the donation of veggies to replant back the way it was. Big hugs. Wont name who but you got a karma point from me. Wish I could you more then one.

Quote from VixenGold on 2012/11/07, 01:26Big thanks and HUGS to oALB for the veggie donation. Did not put his name until I could ask if ok. You rock oALB. Thanks.
Big thanks and HUGS to oALB for the veggie donation. Did not put his name until I could ask if ok. You rock oALB. Thanks.
Quote from oALB on 2012/11/07, 15:44That farm has saved me many times from starvation so its only far i give a donation.
And Vix you rock;)
That farm has saved me many times from starvation so its only far i give a donation.
And Vix you rock;)
Quote from ElectricBlock on 2012/11/18, 15:45Not to be unfair or anything but its clearly written, so I think maybe closing the farm for a day or two might just show them that they NEED to replant what they use, not just if its convenient to them.
Not to be unfair or anything but its clearly written, so I think maybe closing the farm for a day or two might just show them that they NEED to replant what they use, not just if its convenient to them.