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Project: Orion

Lately, I've been working on a project on my single player creative mode. It started out with just a stadium, shown here.


Soon after that, I decided that I wanted to make an entire town to go with it. So I am, little by little, and I'm dubbing this build, Project: Orion. It will be somewhat Final Fantasy inspired, but there are no plug-in's mods, or special texture packs used in the making. Here are some pictures of buildings I've completed so far for the town.   The Mage Academy, where hopefuls from all over come to become a Black Mage, White Mage, Blue Mage, or Summoner.  The Merchant Block, where most goods can be bought.  The Greenhouse, which houses farming for sugarcane, wheat, melons, and pumpkins. (Cocoa beans are grown at the near by tree farm which is not in picture, and cacti, I pretty much forgot since I never found much use for them. XD)  The Blacksmith Workshop, where weapons and armor can be purchased. Will look better inside with this new update. (But I'm waiting for this server to be caught up with it before I update.)  And the last pic for now, the Inn/Tavern. Pretty much speaks for itself of what's done there.

My current build there is of a sage building, where enchantments, potion making, and nether wart farming takes place. I would like to hear what others think of this project so far. All I ask is that your not rude about it.

It looks really cool and I think you should start building it on a kingdom plot. i would love to help if you need me to.

Thank you slash14459. But building all that purely vanilla would probably take me 10 times as long just to build the stadium. XD

Nerdy , with some help , it wouldnt take as long as you think;)

You can get some money from the shop to buy goods you need or get all the mats from
The darklands. The stadium in rome was made in survival, with help it would be both fast and fun.

Just added to the project town. A sage building (Why I call that I haven't the slightest clue. lol) This is where enchantings, potion making, and nether wart farming takes place in my single player creative world.

Old forum post now, I know, but this has to be seen by those here at Uncovery. Probably the most tedious build I've ever done in the game. Orion Castle. Behold, and enjoy.