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PvP Szenario

Ok, here is my PvP szenario, and how it would be feasible with the current plugins available.

I want to force people into PvP, so it is out of question to have it on the normal map. It is also not possible currently to have real groups w/o friendly fire, so it would be everyone against everyone. My idea would be to

- make the PvP lot air-tight, and switch PvP off at first. I could build a temporary box around it (yeah I know, building rules etc, but it's temporary :-) Then we invite all contestants to enter the zone and spread/hide. I make a room in the middle out of bedrock with a goodie-chest inside. Then we enable PvP and give the start signal. Everyone will have to get to the room alive. The last guy on the map within a certain time (30 mins or so) will get the content of the chest.

What should be in the chest?
Should mining be allowed in the lot during those 30 minutes?

Q#1 One chest full of gold bars. Q#2 mining should be turned on ( it would really be hard to navigate a forst without being able to chop down the trees ) yet then agian if it was turned on we could always have that problem of one guy digging and hiding till everyone else kills them selves.i guess the question is do you want people to have pvp matches or more of a tower defense sort of thing....why not both one day its turned on and its forest and we create, the next match no mining theres allready a lil multiplayer map set up we hide till the buzzer and then start hackin away

You might as well make mining and block placement possible. As a FPS alone, minecraft isn't all that interesting.

Although a set of rules would be nice e.g. If armor is used by the player only Iron and Wood and Diamond and Leather cannot be used. And only Iron swords. Or any material just not diamond.

Another thing is how bout in the arena a survival tournament [much easier to do], get ten people or so on the server at a set time, have some set rules, So everyone must battle a set of enemies [slimes ghasts, creepers and what not]

or you could just make the nether all pvp

No, we need safe areas as well