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Question about "Pixel Art"

I want to build something like this on my lot in Empire:

But I remembered there was a rule against pixel art, and I wasn't sure if this counts as pixel art. It's 3D, but all the way up in the sky so it kind of looks flat.
Can someone tell me if I am able to build this or not? I don't want to invest in that much glowstone before I find out it's against the rules :C

Welp, the picture didn't appear, so here's the URL:

Looks fine to me! Actually looks quite nice.


The general rule about this is against people building literal pixel art in Empire or survival worlds for that matter. Nothing that is straight up and only one block wide for example. That is what is not allowed.

Awesome, that's good to hear :D
Time to start stocking up on materials :3

should be fine






Shouldn't the picture be a little more at twilight instead of high noon?


Good luck, can't wait to see it finished!

is the black part gonna be obsidian or cloth?

It's just black cloth, so it's not as expensive/hard to remove mistakes with :D
And yes, twilight was supposed to be the best time, but oh well. :D

I have some black wool if u want some :D

this dostn really go with this topic but what about users who have pixel art on there lot?

they are asked to remove it