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Several questions

Hey everybody,
Before I do anything I want to ask a few questions about the rules,

1) Redstone: It says we are not allowed to build anything that runs over a minute, but what actually defines as running. i.e. Could I have a RS latch running to see if anyone has entered my house? Also, could I build something uber complex like a lock or stuff of that sort as long as I'm no running it 24/7? It just kinda confuses me because to have it not running is almost impossible if you don't remove lots of components. Case in point, if you have one NOT gate isn't it theoretically running 24/7?

2) Holes: Once I get a lot, would it be okay to put a fence around it (temporarily) hollow out the entire lot then fill it back up again?

3) Giant buildings: Is it okay to build replicas of real life buildings?
Thanks ahead of time for any response,

Let me try to solve these for you-

1. Redstone- Do not make any endless redstone loop. Basically dont have redstone hooked up to a diamond block, spawning carts 24/7z this causes major lag to the server, and sometimes crashes. The same goes for anything else. Please do not make a massive redstone circuit that is always running, for example a lock.

2. You can do anything you want on your lot. Once you apply for a lot, thats Your lot. Nobody else can mess with, besides Uncovery which he wo t, unless you add a friend to it. Please do not make a fence around your lot. If you do make entrances to it, doors, so people can access it from any side. At the most you can build a wall 3 high, again with many doors, if you hollow your lot out at least put some ladders down to bedrock.

3. Sure, build something amazing. This server alllows you to "Build your dream". As long as you dont build inapropriate signs/ words, you wont get banned. I reccomend building an replica of a skyscraper to put in our brand new city. For example, I built the Eiffle tower.

So have fun, and read up on the server a bit more under about this server, features and plugins, and worlds.
Those would awnser all your questions.


Thanks for the quick reply
So would I be safe if I built just a small circuit for a detection system?
Thanks again

Hmm, I don't know, you would have to ask Unc. did really build. Ask Unc on it then you will know. To me I would say no.

1. Redstone stuff is not allowed switch any redstone status from on to off without your interaction. So no endless on/off loops on any block. Something that stays as it is until someone presses a button, and then also stops within 1 minute is fine.

2. You can build a fence, but you have to have doors/openings so people can walk through. You cannot block people from crossing your lot. If you dig a huge hole, please make a 2 block wide bridge over it so people can cross.

3. you can build whatever you like from bedrock to sky. Just make sure it looks like something else than a simple plain box without windows etc. Also read the building guidelines

Thank you very much!