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I would like to make a quick disclaimer: If you would like to read this that is fine. Do note that there is violence in the story and may contain inappropriate words. Read at your own risk, con't cry to me if it offended you THIS IS YOUR WARNING!


Side notes:

Sorry if I can't post this here, I didn't see anything in the rules against it.

I posted this for others enjoyment an CONSTRUCTIVE criticism, don't just say it sucks.

I am writing this for my own personal enjoyment, but wanted some feedback on how it is so far.

If enough people like this I will update you every-so-often.



Back story:

Around the year 2000 the world knew it was time to cut back on using electricity and other resources that could run out. That didn't stop them from using them though, no, instead they decided to use even more of it to attempt to make themselves rich by making more factories and transport more than they ever have before. It was a complete waste of time and later led to their downfall. The people of America and all around the world were furious at the large companies that took advantage of their resources. It was because of these big name companies that we no longer have technology, that we could no longer grow crops for thousands of people at a time; we could no longer travel the world as we once did. The people rose and formed a rebellion against these companies. They started innocently enough, protests and boycotts. Things really heated up when an executive from Monrio Serpantie attempted to feed the protesters lies and bribe the media. During one of his infamous speeches there was a loud clash of thunderous noise followed by a panic of people. There were groups of people stampeding over others to try and get out of the way. Reporters scrambled to grab their equipment and run. Someone had planted bombs inside the building. This is what started the chaos; this is what would change our lives.

The government stepped in to stop the outbreak of violent protesters,  little did they know over half the military would wound up joining the rebellion themselves. The small army they sent was quickly taken over, and government officials were the next thing on the rebellions list to try and take over. They marched to the white house in rows, thousands upon thousands of people marching straight for the one person that could have saved them. They fought the soldiers that still showed loyalty to the lazy man who swore to protect us, one by one they fell. There were many deaths that day, it would later be remembered as the Day of the Crow. They were able to find the president and killed him just as they killed their brothers and sisters that had guarded him. People tried to take over as the United States leader, all of which were violently beaten to death or hung by the rebellion. With no leader times only got worse, people savagely beat their neighbors to death over a drop of gas or oil. After fifty or so years they started getting desperate for food, clothes, and something to travel with. It was not until a company organized a group of scientists that yet lived through this happening that the chaos started to slow.

Groups started to form their own “government” inside each “state”. These were not states as you know them; they were more like your version of a city. We could no longer support everyone that lived in our country. People began to die of starvation, or became insane because they couldn't trust anyone around them. Just when things seemed to hit rock bottom, it got worse. Another group more violent than the rebellion rose from the ashes of their war torn city, they called themselves “Justice”. They wanted payback for what the world had caused them; they were those of poverty, when asked for food people would spit at them. They had nothing to live for but one another; they were the closest thing they had to a family anymore. They raided any state they came across together and with each state they raided the population dropped. It seemed as though no one could stop them, it appeared as though humanity could no longer defend themselves from a few petty thieves. A few of the governments tried to raise money and train people to protect their towns, but by the time they did so the once petty thieves had enough resources at their disposal to create weapons that the states wouldn't dream of having. The people of Justice tortured these people until the devil himself would weep, however, they never killed the people that stood up to them; instead they strung them up on anything they could to make examples of them, to show the people what happens when you mess with them. I was born into this group. My father and my mother were the group’s best recruiters and raiders. If anyone had a problem they went to them.

I will admit even I was scared of what they could do. They knew how to fight in any way possible to survive and seemed to have no regrets. I never wanted to live this life, I never had the heart to do this work, but I had to. When you’re born into Justice, you never leave it; if you do your parents must personally hunt you down and do the same to you as they do to those that stand against them. They must show no mercy to prove to Justice that their loyalty lies with them and not with the people that would stand against them or run in fear. I never talked to my parent; they never really offered to talk to me either. The world has changed a lot since your era. Whenever I find photographs or postcards of places that used to be popular in the old world during our raids I picked them up. I would have loved to see the sites, the Empire State Building, the Great Wall of China. They look so amazing from the pictures I've managed to collect. I will never get to see these sites though, and as long as Justice is around, we never will. I need to find a way to stop them; I need to stop these savages, but how? I stay up all night sometimes, thinking about the people I've had to murder to get food or water….still hearing their shrieks of pain and remembering their cold faces as I slid my knife into their body and their blood splattered all over me. You feel cold after doing what I have to do…you feel dead to yourself…you’re just a savage, no one likes you, and you don’t like anyone…


Chapter One - Motherly Love:

Our camp was small and crowded. Most everyone would bully you regardless of gender or race. In the camp and out on the field it was all the same, you looked after yourself and if you had a problem you dealt with it yourself, unless it threatened the safety of the family of course. I walked to the wash station where I threw the greenish slime water onto my face and hair to clean myself without exposing myself to the guys nearby. One of them tapped me on the butt and said “hey sweetie, where’s daddy today? Killing your best friend Pravuil?” I could feel my face redden with anger and embarrassment, but with a firm knife-like growl I replied to his comment “Shut up Samuel before I gut you where you stand!” Samuel backed off a bit and with an almost surprised tone said “Whoa looks like the families little rat woke up on the wrong side of the tent. Maybe you forgot where you stand in this society, need I remind you?” This comment made me even angrier; Samuel always said I was nothing but a rat since I disliked the family’s actions. I didn't want to continue this conversation anymore, to be honest I wanted nothing more than to dig my rusting trench knife into his stupid skull and whisper into his dying ear “No, but let me remind you of yours.” However, even the family has rules within the group itself. We are not to kill our own kind, so instead I told him “Screw off jerk.” And walked away, pushing past the small group of immature brutes. Back in my tent I started to pack up for the next run, which was around this time every morning, and found my mirror that I was able to scavenge from a house that was about to collapse. It was cracks and made of plastic, gold in color and looked as though it belonged to a little kid. Looking into it I fixed my long blond hair into a pony tail so it wouldn't get in the way if there were any problems today. The shaggy looking clothes I wore almost made me look like a guy. The clothes were dirty and torn. There was rarely an occasion that I was able to find clean, nice clothes that could fit me or that someone else wouldn't steal from me. It was a hard life and an even harder career.

While readying myself I heard a loud bang that rumbled the Earth itself. In a panic I threw everything I owned into my pack and ran out of my tent in confusion. It didn't look like anyone knew what was going on and looked like they were just as confused as I was.  I didn't bother to stop and ask anyone what was going on. The only thing I had to defend myself was my Knife and a makeshift pair of brass knuckles I made out of melted down cans and razor wire. There was nothing identifiable to be seen other than my family in a panic. I scrambled around trying to find the enemy or whatever made the bang. In the mess someone had tripped me. It felt as though hundreds of feet made contact with my face and body, it wasn't long before I fell unconscious. I awoke with a horrible headache that could only be compared to a hangover or concussion.



Hope you enjoyed what I have done,


Ya that's really good

Thank you, I hope to get the first chapter completed this week if I get the time.