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Transition from TeamSpeak to Discord?

Hello, I was wondering what you would think about switching to Discord, where it could work like TeamSpeak and IRC, but in one. You can make it so you can access all the channels in HeroChat as text channels on Discord and have audio channel rooms as well, and the interface is certainly much easier to use, in addition it has a mobile app. There are some JSON API's to still have the who's online sidebar widgets, and there's already some Spigot plugins (assuming the server's Java version is running 1.8).

Here's one plugin that really stands out:
It's update very regularly, and quite simple to implement.

Some things to consider: Discord is free, however the servers are not self-hosted, but they maintain a very good uptime. Discord also uses invite links, not a password to connect to the server. It has a pretty solid API to develop Apps and Bots and a pretty nice permissions setup as well, so ranks could be displayed properly and have additional channels. Also, you can have a console channel in case you were working with others on an issue and needed a way to see the console.

I will look into it, the biggest issue would be how much time it would need to connect it to the server to get just what we have already. I still have quite a backlog of stuff that needs to be fixed before we go doing new stuff...

Hey Luke. With AndroIRC (version 5.2, there is a mobile app for at least Android phones, that can connect with freenode and #uncovery. Idk about such an app for Iphones.