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Thank you, Donators

I would like to thank all of the donators for helping to keep this server up and improving! I have never witnessed the deficit so low and i'm sure that Uncovery really appreciates every last donation! I know that not everyone has the extra cash or a paypal account to help fund the server, but you guys are still helping to make this a very popular and growing server! It is nearly impossible for all of your builds and hard work to go unnoticed! With all the guests/new settlers running around, i'm sure your achievements are noticed daily. 
I hope all of our donators are enjoying the perks! I encourage anyone who is thinking about donating to do it. Even the basic $2 for a month of ++ can go a long way!  Happy building to all! Keep up the good work(:

I know I am happy to have donated. Uncovery puts so much time and effort to make a great server that I enjoy very much. The least I can do is to give a bit of money so that it doesn't cost his money as well as his time. I have been playing for over 200 days now and I would willingly pay money for any game that keeps me interested that long. So for someone to make a server that can do that for me, I find it is worth at least a small amount of money to help keep it running.


Well said, Pag. :)