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Challenging Mobs

How would a topic evolve, if it mentions basic mobs difficulty setting?

I mean, Why suppress imagination and freedom of will with fear of mobs being at your back,

Perhaps, setting the world to easy, rather than what I assumeĀ  is set to normal.

Including the resource world, but if not there, perhaps at least on your own plot, to have a choice to either set them to easy or disable.

That's a tricky one. We normally rather make things harder. Currently all survival worlds are set to hard mode, and even that is not a real challenge anymore once you scouted your lot, put down some torches and got some diamond gear.
we made the experience that through mob grinders, home commands and other stuff people can get by quite nicely without any easier settings.

So if you ask me personally, I think the game should be a challenge in the survival worlds. If you want it easy, rather play in the darklands right away.

Yeah mobs are certainly more of a nuisance than an actual fear once you get established :-P Interesting idea with the individual choosing whether or not to have mobs on their lot!