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Issue with updating my home

So, I set a home when I first began near the boundary of my lot. I have since built structures and wish to move my home to a different location. When I type /homes list it gives me "Empire: Jordan_Masters&"
When I try to use
/homes update Jordan_Masters&
it says "You do not have a home called Jordan_Masters& to replace"
Is there any way I can fix this? I get the same error when I try to rename my house too.

Does your home contain & ?
Did you try without &?

Yes, I have tried without & as /homes update Jordan_Masters and it still gives me the error that I don't have a home called that. And no, my home never contained these symbols.

Somehow those characters got into the name. I need to prevent that in the future.
I fixed it for your home now, please try again without those characters (i.e. just /home update Jordan_Masters).

Thank you very much for the help.