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Mall Idea: But in Reverse!

Ok, so I was playing Minecraft today and I went into the mall. I was looking for some dyes for a project, but it was a pain looking for what i wanted. Then I got an amazing idea! What if there was a reverse mall? As in, if someone were looking for an item, such as dirt, they could post what they wanted at a certain place. Then people looking to sell some certain things, could go through there. If they have what that other person wants, they could give it to them (through an unknown command or something). Please comment on this, and tell me what you think, especially you uncovery. ; )

There is a trade channel in chat where you can advertise what you need, if you care to read the website.

You can also buy stuff on the shops, not only sell, also described on the website.

I understand that the current shop system is not perfect, but it's the best I could find. I will write an article about why I am using this system so you better understand.

It's quite a good system, but you need to take time to read up on it, first.

Second, I think people who do take a shop and fill it, should make a post on this forum stating which shop number they own, what they're buying/selling and for how much. This would make it easier for everyone.

I mean.. we have all the systems in place, all it needs is a little effort on the seller's account.

Alright, sorry for the inconveniance. I am new to the new mall, and I had been thinking of the old shop system. I'm sorry for this and thank you for taking the time to read this

Thanks for being polite, Brian!