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keeps saying im not registered

every time I try to log into the sever it says im not registered and i went through test and passed and got the email at first it said it was a bad login the said im not registered i need help pls

where exactly does it say you are not registered? is your minecraft username redsanders420?

when I try to log in to the sever and yes my name is redsanders420

Checked on the entry. Somehow you were in the whitelist as redsanders not redsanders420.

Please try again, should work now.

Alright thankyou

Hello. i registered for being a whitelist. i never recieved an email from passing the test. Im not sure why it never showed up. i tried to log into the server and it says that i need to register for the whitelist.

are you connecting to port 25565 or 25564?

Hello. I am connecting to port 25565 . and when i try to connect. it says "Disconnected by Server" and below that it says " whitelist at" not sure what i am doing wrong. thanks for helping.

Try taking the whitelist test again. If you pass the test, you should receive an email. If you don't see an email check your junk mail folder

I just tried. And i got this error " ERROR: This username is already registered, please choose another one.
ERROR: This email is already registered, please choose another one." Im not sure what to do.

Don't know what happened there. I put you back on the whitelist.

Thank you for your help. :) Happy Holidays!!