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Rebuilding the iConomy!

As a dedicated member to our community and having remembered when we asked to have the iConomy (or similar) mod installed, I would like to start things off in an effort to repair the current 'uncs' iConomy before we get bought out by foreign traders and have to convert all of our 'uncs' to 'osfs' or 'binks'. ;-D

To do this, I'm setting up my shop (currently Shop 3) to buy and sell a load of items. This will use my current unc balance as a buffer to allow people to sell things to the shop before anything is purchased. I've added a number of things, and plan to add more in the future. This will require very little upkeep from me, and I don't have to be online for people to use it, so feel free to trade anytime! I will do my best to renew my shop rental as soon as possible after it retires.

I may update the prices if there is significant reason, but I think I've got things to a reasonable priceline. This should help people use the extra items they've gathered and help reduce the unnecessary wait for items you haven't run across yet.

Some examples:
[/shop list buy 3] Shows the shop's third page of items to buy.
[/shop list sell 2] Show's the shop's second page of items you can sell, up to a maximum.
[/shop sell Llama 10] This will sell 10 Llamas to the shop at the listed price.
[/shop buy Llama 1] This will buy 1 Llama from the shop at the listed price.

** Items actual name was changed to protect the innocent.

*** Llamas are never innocent.

**** No Llamas were harmed in the making of this blog post.

***** But they should have been.


enkl0001 said:

Hahhaha wow enk

Lol, very funny. I thought this was a good idea when you told me in-game, and I have been working on setting up my own shop, also to help repair the economy. It will be up and running soon, and I encourage others to try and get the economy back into shape!

Down with the iconomy! Down with the capitalist pigs!

Sockso said:
Down with the iconomy! Down with the capitalist pigs!

Well Mr. Charity...

henry_paiste said:
Well Mr. Charity...

So, he either wants a communism where every price is selected by the government, or an anarchy, where the free-market truly rules. Okay... so... I'll play the part of "The Man" and set the prices how I see fit... or people can challenge my authority and start their own shops or trade privately without any thought of taxes!

Anyhow... I have a ton of stuff for sale or listed to buy so that people can effectively trade through my shop. I offer Arrows and YellowWool and a bunch of things in between, including wood, charcoal, coal, redstone, lapis lazuli, and much more!

Your uncs are soaked with the blood of the miners!

But i have no uncs how would i buy stuff then

hardcorepuding said:
But i have no uncs how would i buy stuff then

If you sell stuff and get uncs, you can then buy stuff with said uncs. It's a simple process we like to call economics.

Sockso said:
Your uncs are soaked with the blood of the miners!

I agree.
Miner: LVasold

Miners of uncovery unite! You have nothing to loose but your chains!

I vote sockso as our dictator, Rise under him and lead a united front against the enemy. I vote to be in charge of the military and any thing else valuable. Second in command under sockso until the day i rebel against him and his forces.

can i be the strategist? :P

OSF said:
I vote sockso as our dictator, Rise under him and lead a united front against the enemy. I vote to be in charge of the military and any thing else valuable. Second in command under sockso until the day i rebel against him and his forces.

I'm curious as to when dictators were actually VOTED into office. :-P They tend to rise to command and take authority by force.

Anyhow, you can take the military, I'll lead the miners! ;-)

In uncovery... first you get the sugar... then you get the power... then you get the women...

Sockso said:
Miners of uncovery unite! You have nothing to loose but your chains!

Hmmm. Can't seem to locate the recipe for chains, gonna be tough to lose 'em!