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A little Delay, geekyness inside!!

Hey everyone I am not going to be on the server until at earliest Tuesday. Reasoning is my laptop decided to blow a hard drive or a processor. Good news is my new desktop is on it's way.

Whats inside you might ask?

AMD FX Quad core 4.2 Ghz unlocked. Am3+ socket

Biostar ATX motherboard up to 2100 MHz ram over clockEd up to 64 gb

EVGA 2GB video card

4x4GB Kingston beast ram 1600mhz

Nzxt phantom 410 mid tower case.

90gb Kingston. hyperx ssd.

Thermaltake 600watt power supply

Seagate 1tb hdd not the caviar green.

blueray, burner/rreader


that is the new rig I should be able to have fun on that!


Solid State system drive, you have my compliments sir.