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Voting Vagaries

I try to vote regularly, if not consistently, for Uncovery on the various sites.

This is relatively painless. Certainly needing less patience than waiting for enough trees to grow to slay the ender dragon, and less skill than needed to kill the wither. (I tried the latter once and failed gloriously.)

But I find I've developed a system of sorts. Start with Planet Minecraft to see if my 24 hours has elapsed.... (How am I supposed to remember what time I voted last night?) Then go through the rest of the list in order of time they renew my voting rights. Here on the East Coast of the US, we've got Spigot at 6pm, Mineservers at 8pm, Minecraft-mp at midnight and minestatus at 3am. I haven't figured out yet what time Minecraft Server List resets. Perhaps set an alarm to go back and do Planet Minecraft again if I was too early.

I turn off the sound before voting so I don't have to listen to the videos. Oddly, for my ADD self, I am able to ignore, if only studiously, the moving pictures. The job of identifying all the objects, though, is an oddly focused task that occupies enough of my brain that I seem to be able to concentrate on it. Sometimes, if I'm feeling annoyed enough at the distractions, I just scroll my screen down so I can't see the video, either.

Except that I inevitably get a snarky commentary going in my brain as I'm solving the captcha. "A tambourine? Really? You want me to identify that as a MUSICAL instrument? I object on moral grounds!" "But there are only one insect!" "That is a fancy abode, but I wouldn't really call it a castle... or is that the house?" And I'm oft reminded of the ridiculous sorts of questions I was subjected to as a K-12 student that forced me to intuit the answer the test-makers wanted, even though I could easily make the case for others.

Hmmm... now I wonder if I've passed enough time to make it to my 24 hour mark on Planet Minecraft... At least for that captcha there are no annoying videos.

And the hexfecta is complete!