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Spam and an Issue,zPUAz
This person came in and did that for about a minute or so, and because I was the highest rank on at the time there was nothing I/we could do about it. Eventually the person left, but what if he/she didn't? They could've done that for ages and all we could've done was tell them to "stop it".
This isn't the first time this has happened and I've and other Archs been the highest power online. It maddens me that I have to sit around helpless while stuff like this happens.
I'm suggesting that Architects have some player power. Not temp-ban or whatnot, maybe a mute, or a jail. Not both.

I guess what I'm really asking is for possible solutions to this problem when the big cats are away. Any ideas?

Maybe we should have a vote tempban? Like someone can start one and people on the server can vote to temp ban them or not to temp ban.

A wordfilter (to block swear words) or a limit to how many times you can post within the space of a time limit (similar to trade chat on WoW if you know what I mean) would word best.

I recall playing on an old server (different game), but if someone came in and was hacking, cheating, spamming, etc, someone could initiate a vote, and if 51% or more of the people voted against them they would be kicked, but I guess in this case be muted.

Or just give architects some more power. :D

We wont be having a word filter and anything like that. Discussed in the trello boards. Anytime this happens, just post like you did and uncover will see it.

Yes. I rather know who the idiots are and ban them after the fact. It's not that we have so many of them that we cannot react anymore.

Ummmm I think there's still a way to block seeing a users message from yourself~ /ch block or something~ no need to stand there and take it :3