
Username: arn3in

UUID: a1a63fb2-86e4-4543-975e-cd282fb89de5

Usernames History: ARN3IN, Yekooo (since 2016-05-22), LaderaJrJr (since 2016-07-05), GloveJr (since 2016-08-06), Pythies (since 2016-10-01), ARN3IN (since 2017-06-22)

Level: citizen

Karma: n/a

Money: 455.12 Uncs

Bio: I’m an 18 years old guy from Sweden, i like mincraft and that’s about all you need to know! :D

Donations status: Not a donator

See the Achievement page for level information.

citizen promotion date unknown, we only keep this record since January 2016
: First joined
Note: This list only includes promotions that have been voted on (since September 2013).
Comments: (4)

Purchase History:

Note: Items with a ? indicate missing icons only.
Date Item Name Amount Cost Seller
2013-04-20 00:56:16 Torch 64 127.36 bigdaddyaarn bigdaddyaarn
2013-04-17 02:13:33 Wheat Seeds 272 0.02448 stonemason84 stonemason84
2013-04-17 02:12:53 Wheat Seeds 35 17.5 motas88 motas88
3 entries found.

Sales History:

No data found