
Username: charliec11

UUID: 85757183-d647-4e26-8e2e-f92cc45f93d6

Usernames History: charliec11, SquishBums (since 2015-06-14), RxGang9 (since 2020-06-22), Carlos_DC (since 2020-07-23)

Level: citizen

Karma: n/a

Money: 859.93 Uncs


Donations status: Not a donator

See the Achievement page for level information.

citizen promotion date unknown, we only keep this record since January 2016
: First joined
Note: This list only includes promotions that have been voted on (since September 2013).

Purchase History:

Note: Items with a ? indicate missing icons only.
Date Item Name Amount Cost Seller
2013-02-22 03:17:24 Melon 73 0.073 admin_keylar admin_keylar
2013-02-22 00:37:18 Diamond Sword (Bane of Arthropods 4, Fire Aspect 2) 1 750 beategjerdemork beategjerdemork
2013-02-22 00:03:56 Dirt 500 25 wolf7075 wolf7075
2013-02-22 00:03:48 Dirt 500 25 wolf7075 wolf7075
2013-02-22 00:03:39 Dirt 500 25 wolf7075 wolf7075
2013-02-21 18:09:53 Oak Sapling 10 4 tehgoods tehgoods
2013-02-21 16:32:25 Mooshroom Spawn Egg 4 400 uncovery uncovery
2013-02-21 04:50:12 Oak Wood 30 120 enkl0001 enkl0001
2013-02-21 04:46:54 Stick 90 45 xmagnumx xmagnumx
2013-02-21 03:45:23 Bread 64 19.2 aerox247 aerox247
2013-02-21 03:40:23 Oak Boat 1 5 literally_stupid literally_stupid
2013-02-21 00:44:41 Bone 100 1 lilroc17 lilroc17
2013-02-21 00:44:27 Bone 100 1 lilroc17 lilroc17
13 entries found.

Sales History:

Date Item Name Amount Cost Buyer
2014-08-21 23:02:32 Rotten Flesh 36 21.6 daiyamondo daiyamondo
2014-06-22 12:49:04 Emerald 2 400 ginger_snaps ginger_snaps
2013-05-24 23:35:13 Carrot 1 1 estebanismo estebanismo
2013-02-24 10:22:41 String 18 10.8 aerox247 aerox247
2013-02-22 06:09:27 String 3 1.8 tehgoods tehgoods
5 entries found.