
Username: xxdevinxx99

UUID: af80ea9d-8aa6-45cb-aa31-b2768c56b1fa

Usernames History: XxdevinxX99, DarkPhantom11 (since 2015-02-08), __Light___ (since 2015-03-14), 631 (since 2015-04-19), DefineSavage (since 2015-06-06), ExtraTastyMelons (since 2015-07-24), NoobsGiveMePower (since 2016-06-14), HUEHUEHUEBRBBR (since 2016-08-05), HypixelStaffTeam (since 2016-09-05), Baccamole (since 2016-10-31), FlowerFields (since 2016-12-23), MotoNeedsAPepsi (since 2017-02-16), LeapyMotoSamich (since 2017-07-16), MotoHasGay (since 2017-08-28), UncleHugsMeFunny (since 2017-12-18), TheDecentPlayer (since 2018-02-25), LittleJewMagic (since 2018-04-28), DylanBaylesMC122 (since 2018-06-26), DarkVape9 (since 2018-08-11), Darkphantom9 (since 2019-02-10), Babyx6 (since 2020-03-14), GoatPuncher (since 2020-04-28), Doomfist3 (since 2020-12-27), Foojew (since 2021-02-03)

Level: settler

Karma: n/a

Money: 518 Uncs


Donations status: Not a donator

See the Achievement page for level information.

citizen promotion date unknown, we only keep this record since January 2016
: First joined
Note: This list only includes promotions that have been voted on (since September 2013).

Purchase History:

Note: Items with a ? indicate missing icons only.
Date Item Name Amount Cost Seller
2014-01-05 00:18:21 Bookshelf 3 54 vixengold vixengold
2014-01-04 23:46:23 Grass Block 64 64 littlesparrow91 littlesparrow91
2014-01-04 23:28:16 Jungle Sapling 1 100 uncovery uncovery
3 entries found.

Sales History:

Date Item Name Amount Cost Buyer
2014-08-28 21:22:53 Terracotta 1 100 psiber psiber
2014-08-27 18:07:51 Terracotta 1 100 psiber psiber
2014-08-20 12:42:43 Terracotta 3 300 pinebenj1 pinebenj1
3 entries found.