Account sharers will be banned!

Please note that from today on, it is not allowed anymore @ Uncovery minecraft to give your account to someone else. You must use the account yourself only.

– In order to protect the owner of the accounts,
– to prevent that users claim that “someone else griefed, broke rules etc with my account”
– users must be reachable through their registered email address

IF you have given your login info to someone else, please go to and change your password to make sure that your account is only used by yourself. If there will be any logins from someone who claims he is not the owner of the account, the account will be banned from Uncovery minecraft immediately. Also, obviously, any account through which rules are broken must face the consequences regardless who was sitting behind the screen.

20 thoughts on “Account sharers will be banned!

    • no. Only if he continues to give his account to others.

  1. Hey guys, I was unaware that this was going on until now. I am sorry I gave my friend my password. I will be changing it, and he claims he will be getting his account, “Sabakyu”, premium. Zacattackzs will be logged on only through me, the owner.

    -Zack S.

  2. Hey unc i posted that at school today and was unaware that i would be banned if i gave my account to my friend to use i hope this means im not banned.

    -Zack S.

  3. Hey guys, its Zach N. I was the one using Zac’s account, and Im sorry that I did. I was unaware this was how it was going to end up, but please do not ban Zacattackzs, for Zack’s sake. I just went premium<3

    And btw, it says im not whitelisted. Fix Please? I cant log in :(

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