Server back up, some smaller stuff still missing

So there are some files that got corrupted during the outage and I will have to restore those. I managed to restore the whitelist from the last backup, but it seems more stuff is missing, such as homes or even more. I am sitting in a car now and cannot fix those. Please post here as a comment if anything is missing and then I will try to restore it once I am back home.

10 thoughts on “Server back up, some smaller stuff still missing

  1. I bet you know but I’ll say it anyway home sets are missing.

  2. thanks for great work getting it back up so quick unc. Can we get villager eggs sold in shop again when you have two moments? pretty please :D

  3. My home sets aren’t working as well, thank you for all the hard work you put into the server unc..

  4. hope you had a good holiday and i think we can cope with a few silly little issues till you get back

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