Version 1.21.4 upgrade path

Dear all,

I am finally getting around to upgrade the server to the current minecraft version 1.21.4. This will happen in the following way:

  1. I will setup a new, blank, temporary darklands server that is using the current whitelist.
  2. While that server is running, I will work on upgrading the current server, it’s plugins etc to the current version.
  3. We will then switch the updated server live and replace the legacy darklands with the new darklands.

Topics to be decided:

  1. Will the new darklands actually be permanent night or only once the whole server goes live?
  2. Do we absolutely need a lot of time where the old darklands can be deconstructed?
  3. What plugins do we need (or can even have) during the temporary server time.

Please note that the hardware that the current server is running on will be decomissioned. I am moving everything to a new machine. So not keeping the old darklands around for long would be helpful in closing down the old machine sooner.

Let me know your thoughts!


4 thoughts on “Version 1.21.4 upgrade path

  1. Hello!

    I just watched the “we were featured” video, really nice stuff, bringing nice memories :)

    I am hardly active anymore, but still very anxious that my world have not been erased. Thanks a lot Unco for this!

    The main reason for this concern is the reconstitution of my mother’s family house that I have around lot m5 in Kingdom. This summer we’re having a great family reunion and I plan to show it to my folks.

    Otherwise life’s good for me, I’m just not so much interested in minecraft anymore, but who knows, maybe it’ll come back. I’m not sure I have a word about the 1.21 stuff since I don’t know yet if I’ll resume playing.

    All the best to you all,


  2. That’s nice of you. Thanks so much!
    Here my thoughts.
    1. Its does not have do be night. That would be great and more secure I think..
    2. A little time would be nice to take down certain structures and bring home things. Maybe 2
    to 4 weeks.. I have a lot of things down there.
    3. You could just turn off all special days like PVP is on and stuff.

  3. Basically, I repeat what @riedi73 proposed –

    – no permanent light
    – a reasonable time to take the most useful and/or rare blocks
    – special days can surely be turned off for the duration of upgrade


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