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A bunch of ideas

So I was walking around the uncovery world today and got a few ideas you may want to put in. If they aren't possible to do, are really hard to do, or seem just really dumb, that's ok. Please comment.

1. A judge or law house: could be for show and if someone is liable to be banned, you could hold a "hearing"
2. This one is actually a request. To get to my lot at n24, I need to go through the public area. However, a lot of people mined the desert. It is aggravating to trekk through, and very unappealing. I think you can fix it and if you can, please put it back to normal.
3. Is there any way you cqn have q small list of possible achievements for show please? I know there are lots and lots of them, but maybe you could have. List of basic ones and stuff. This would help a lot
4. 2 homes: although I'm only a settler, I was thinking that Architects and VIPs should be able to have more then one "home" this could provide easier access and mobility, and another prize for being so dedicated.
5. I thought this was a great one: every day you could have one thing put up for sale at a random time. You could have a different thing each day or have this every other day. And people can buy lots or some of it. Like one day you could sell gold for 20 uncs to anyone, as much as they want or within a certain time.
6. So a lot of people like uncs, as they are helpful. I was thinking that on weekends or special days like holidays, you could let people get uncs quicker almost like a weekend unc boost. So say a normal day someone gets 1 unc/ per 5 min. If the next day is Halloween or something, people could get 1 unc/ per 1 min or 30 secs.

Thank you for reading and please respond and tell me what u think

1. Maybe, but it is easier to ban em outright

2.If you are a settler just use /home

3. That would be helpful having a list of achievements on the server

4. A number of plugins do this but usually 1 home is enough

5. Sale may be good BUT it probably has to be done manually so nah, wait a little and the malls will become BIGger

6. At the moment it is 1unc/30 secs downgrading this is a no in my opinion, however doing a lottery or something like gambling would be nice

7. Why so many tags

1. Too much work. Too much time passes. Currently I am the judge by looking at the logfiles.
2. Use /home, the portals at the outposts. If I want to fix that I have to reset the whole public area
3. I still dont want to list the achievements because I do not want to have people just working on those. Otherwise one day all the trees in the public area are gone because there is an achievement for chopping 10k wood.
4. might make sense if you have 2 lots and they are far away from each other. It might be hard to limit that however. So I do not see a good way to do this.
5. it has to be done manually by me. I do not want to dictate prices. I am currently reconsidering the mall system to improve it.
6. Possible, but manual. would have to think how to do this. In that case however I would make the low-traffic time higher paying instead of the other way round.

For homes if it is less then 500 blocks to each lot, Use the southern outpost

Alright I guess all those reasons are good why not to, but thank you very much for answering, and the achievement hint ; ). Also I used a lot of attachments because....idk, I thought no one would read it. Thanks again!