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Any PC experts here??

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Hi readers,

I got a personal problem which I would like to have some advice on:
I recently bought my Medion Akoya (laptop), Intel i3 Core, Windows 7, Nvidia Optimus
My father owns a Dell 630 (laptop), with a Dual Core processor,

Now the problem is: His Laptop has no lag at all with any game played on it, while my über cool shiny new laptop can't keep up with that piece of ********.

i just wondered why, also fraps slows MY laptop down, his doesnt slow down....



your new laptop probably has all kinds of stuff pre-installed. get rid of that stuff.

okay follow me now
Also do Windows Logo again and press r at the same time. Type Taskmgr [don't do it Control Alternate Delete [that is gay]due to being you know what] task manger should pop up. Click the processes tab now read to Uncle OSF what is says at the bottom

Processors: CPU Usage: Physical Memory:

press windows logo [the start menu button} and r at the same time. The run menu should show up. Now in the menu type regedit [you may have to do it as a adminstrator], Then go to HKEY_CurrentUser and HKEY_LocalMachine [you should need to do both], Then go through Software then microsoft then Windows then Run, Please state what is set to autorun.

the bottom paragraph is for later ignore it for the moment

Have you compared your ram? Most cheap laptops come with only 1 gig pre-installed.

RAM is a level 2 issue, personally check the task manager for processes

yoshimanssbm said:
Have you compared your ram? Most cheap laptops come with only 1 gig pre-installed.

well it was like 460 euros, not all that cheap for me.. :D
Me is trying OSF's method

Leave how many processes CPU Usage and Physical Memory

Laptops are rarely any good at the cost of 460 euros, no offence. But like OSF said, post it.
The problem is likely all the pre-installed shit that it comes with taking up 90% of your available (likely very little amount of) RAM.

it is not the fact that they are installed it is the fact that they are running and it is also not so much RAM as it is also CPU Usage if need be he may have to use some virtual RAM

OSF said:
Leave how many processes CPU Usage and Physical Memory

Okay just for ur information i have a windows 7 laptop so it doesnt seem to work (or im doing something wrong)
could you give a more detailed explanation??? (or im really doing something wrong)

Well the commercial said it was quite good, but the commercial only gives the good sides.....

any idea how to increase my RAM, or do i 1st have to try ur method??

Okay Sem. Do this. Press ctrl-shift-esc. Task manager should come up. Now go onto processes, and read at the very bottom of the window, the amount of processes up, the cpu usage and physical memory, or the alternate in your language. then go onto the performance tab, and copy down all the information in Physical memory (MB) and system

geez didn't i make it easy enough

There are plenty of tutorials on the web on how to do this.

Here's the first thing I do to other peoples computers:

Go to Start->Run and type msconfig

You should be able to see all the startup junk - usually you can remove about 80% of it.

enkl0001 said:
There are plenty of tutorials on the web on how to do this.

Here's the first thing I do to other peoples computers:

Go to Start->Run and type msconfig

You should be able to see all the startup junk - usually you can remove about 80% of it.

Considering he doesn't even know how to post his CPU usage.. it's best he doesn't do that.

RAM sometimes is not enough and out off everyone here i probalby know the best

p: 72

CPU: 24%

pm: 58%

hope it fixes this darn problem....

Okay most likely you have to go regedit and run like see what is running you don't always use, e.g. skype and that, see what is using the most memory in processes and post

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