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Beta 1.7 preview released!

Jeb has released a preview for minecraft Beta 1.7. His video and information show that Mojang will be adding pistons, normal and stickey, new features to the map spawner, shears, and the ability to put torches on fences. These pistons will also be able to control water flow. I can't wait! The posibilities are endless!

i know but i rage that they no longer fling you into the air
i was going to make aerial faith plates with them D:

That's true, that would have led to even more possibilities, like a tnt cannon for pvp servers. Also, you could make sand do the wave! :D It's still going to be awesome. I also read that there will be a new mob. I'm not sure about it, but I heard that it was a "scary monster". Notch talked about keeping secrets, so I guess we'll see.