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Darklands Warping Problem

Hey, so I was warping out of the Darklands to my home, and when I warped there, it lagged out, and I died, and in the process lost 7 stacks of sand. I also learned that a few more people had this same problem. I just wanted to tell you so you could look into it if you have the time.

Similar problem here:

I would be playing all fine in "world," then I would go to the "darklands" and I encountered major lag. To test this, I re logged, then went back to "world." No lag. Back to "darklands," and lag again. Not sure how you go about fixing this problem, but just wanted to give you a heads up :)

Alright I know how to do this without dieing temporally. When you are in the Darklands you can not Tele to you Home(NO /home COMMAND!) I too had this problem. You have to Tele to Spawn in the main world and then tele to your house. Ive been doing that and its fine. Hope it helps.

Darklands is still somewhat buggy, I think a fix is still being worked on (See Unc's blog post)
I think we should all be lucky that Unc let us in to begin with. xD

Ps. Enjoy /spawn while you can, it will eventually be removed from darklands, too.

Pretty sure it was designed for you to travel back to the portal in the darklands spawn area. Commands i think are to be removed mostly from the darklands