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Happy Valley

Happy Valley has been a project on the temporary server that I have really enjoyed building. I have gotten to get to know the community of Uncovery so much better, and we have been working together to build the extraordinary. I would like to nominate Happy Valley to be the spawn point for the Darklands. The community sits right by the existing spawn having served to almost if not every person that has logged in to the server already. It has everything people need to get off on the right foot playing, including 2 XP farms, crop and animal farms, mines, enchanting tables and more. The town is divided into 2 sections currently, the town square for public resources and the highlands for residential purposes. All this is connected to other convenient locations via VixenGold's famous skyways. We hope every guest enjoys their visit.


You guys have done a great job on this and I for one would like to say thank you.

The area is so beautiful.  Everyone is so happy.  Even the snowmen are happy.  Well this happy couple was until they caught me taking a picture of them kissing.  They then attacked me with snowballs and almost broke my camera.


It's looking fantastic, great work guys.

I miss it...and make that THREE XP farms! Muahahaha