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He's implying that you're just like him. <.<

Yep haha

Daiy ur funny

I don't see the resemblance. I can't remember harassing other players, or being vulgar in the chat.


Now he's denying it!

fed as someone who was meh... sort of your friend, you really didn't know how to think about what you were doing before you did it.  I told a guy not to swear sort of jokingly, then you come along and say "YEAH! Don't swear bi***!"  and also put in parentheses (excuse my language.)  Well... people weren't too happy when you did that, so then you got muted for a while, and the next day do it again or whatever right after you get unmuted. Then you started sending annoying couriers to people after they explained everything to you, and you just got annoying.  Then you got jailed for spamming, and eventually banned.  You can't say it is anyone else's fault, because they clearly warned you and asked you to stop.  This clearly explains everyone, so that Fed can stop fighting everyone about what really happened.

This clearly explains what happened to everyone*

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