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I'll be gone from the server for the month of October and some of November. You might see me swoop in around the 14th to claim s lot that will hopefully be expired by then, but other than that don't expect to see me much.

2 reasons for this are
1: I am falling behind in schoolwork/life/job stuffs and need to cut out all extracurriculars until I'm good in those areas.

2: Halloween is coming up. Halloween is my favorite holiday, and I put a lot more effort than I probably should into making a cotumeĀ  every year.

Skilletfk, silver82 if you absolutely need me for something about the city ask Psychodrea, she knows how to get a hold of me. Sorry we're leaving you alone on this project ATM Psychodrea. Can't be helped I suppose.

So. Happy trails and see y'all in a month!

Darth Vader's voice: NOOOOooooooooooooooooo-oooo-oo.......!!

Grrr.... Ok I guess I'll have the city all to myself then.....

No Xecaria for a MONTH?!?!?!?!? better get the rope and chair...... XD well good luck on ur miscellaneous stuffs