Invisible Spiders

Quote from VixenGold on 2014/02/26, 22:51For several weeks I have been seeing people say that they have been attacked by invisible spiders. I have even been attacked by one. One will hear the spider but when looking for it all one will see is the glowing pinkish red eyes. I did some searching on on spiders about this. has everything minecraft. I found out that as of 1.6.1 that on hard difficulty, spiders have a chance of spawning with a single beneficial status effect. This effect can be Swiftness, Strength, Regeneration, or Invisibility, and has an essentially infinite duration.
So it is most likely that when one of these invisible spiders forms that someone did not hit it with a splash invisible potion.
Found this very interesting while doing the research:
1. Cave Spiders will not poison players in normal or hard difficulty when they have been hit by a weakness splash potion, since they can not deal any damage.
2. Using a splash potion of invisibility on an Enderman or spider mobs will still show their eyes and a ghost.
3. Splash Potions of Poison will affect other players even on non-PvP multiplayer servers. This one is for those that were wondering. Please don't test on friends.
4. Splash potions of harming are very effective in PvP as they bypass non-enchanted armor. Great to know for PVP day in the dark lands.
5. If killed by a potion a message will pop up saying: [playername] was killed by magic.
6. This one has nothing to do with splash potions or spiders but I found very interesting. Chicken Jockeys are an extremely rare mob. They consist of a Baby Zombie, Baby Zombie Villager, or Baby Zombie Pigman riding a Chicken.More on this is on Who can take the first screen shot of one on Uncovery? Must show chat in the screenshot to prove that it is on Uncovery. is a very good site to go to when looking up anything minecraft. It is the minecraft Wiki. I go here to look up minecraft stuff and I have never found it to be wrong.
For several weeks I have been seeing people say that they have been attacked by invisible spiders. I have even been attacked by one. One will hear the spider but when looking for it all one will see is the glowing pinkish red eyes. I did some searching on on spiders about this. has everything minecraft. I found out that as of 1.6.1 that on hard difficulty, spiders have a chance of spawning with a single beneficial status effect. This effect can be Swiftness, Strength, Regeneration, or Invisibility, and has an essentially infinite duration.
So it is most likely that when one of these invisible spiders forms that someone did not hit it with a splash invisible potion.
Found this very interesting while doing the research:
1. Cave Spiders will not poison players in normal or hard difficulty when they have been hit by a weakness splash potion, since they can not deal any damage.
2. Using a splash potion of invisibility on an Enderman or spider mobs will still show their eyes and a ghost.
3. Splash Potions of Poison will affect other players even on non-PvP multiplayer servers. This one is for those that were wondering. Please don't test on friends.
4. Splash potions of harming are very effective in PvP as they bypass non-enchanted armor. Great to know for PVP day in the dark lands.
5. If killed by a potion a message will pop up saying: [playername] was killed by magic.
6. This one has nothing to do with splash potions or spiders but I found very interesting. Chicken Jockeys are an extremely rare mob. They consist of a Baby Zombie, Baby Zombie Villager, or Baby Zombie Pigman riding a Chicken.More on this is on Who can take the first screen shot of one on Uncovery? Must show chat in the screenshot to prove that it is on Uncovery. is a very good site to go to when looking up anything minecraft. It is the minecraft Wiki. I go here to look up minecraft stuff and I have never found it to be wrong.
Quote from Akashiya on 2014/02/27, 20:50Okay,that explains invisible spiders. How about dem invisible pants now? A more rarer species on the list.
Okay,that explains invisible spiders. How about dem invisible pants now? A more rarer species on the list.

Quote from leizh on 2014/02/27, 01:01But are we still on 1.7.2? Chicken jockeys were added in 1.7.4.
It won't be too hard to get a chicken jockey with a zombie spawner I think.
But are we still on 1.7.2? Chicken jockeys were added in 1.7.4.
It won't be too hard to get a chicken jockey with a zombie spawner I think.

Quote from VixenGold on 2014/02/27, 01:20Right on that leizh. Did not think about the version difference. Well it will be something to look for when Uncovery updates to 1.7.4. It looks like baby zombie pigmen can ride chickens too. I have played around with snapshot and was attacked by one of the baby zombie chicken jockey. It was fast. I could hear the baby zombie but could not see it for a bit due to the high grass around. When ran out of the grass and attacked me it scared the poo out of me. The baby zombies are bad enough but on a chicken, I think that was the scariest thing I have seen on minecraft. Kimi even screamed.
Right on that leizh. Did not think about the version difference. Well it will be something to look for when Uncovery updates to 1.7.4. It looks like baby zombie pigmen can ride chickens too. I have played around with snapshot and was attacked by one of the baby zombie chicken jockey. It was fast. I could hear the baby zombie but could not see it for a bit due to the high grass around. When ran out of the grass and attacked me it scared the poo out of me. The baby zombies are bad enough but on a chicken, I think that was the scariest thing I have seen on minecraft. Kimi even screamed.

Quote from MagicDave_ on 2014/02/27, 08:01Arent chicken Jockeys a very bad thing lag wise? I heard that the zombie on top of the chicken will despawn , but leave the chicken loaded. The chicken will then lay eggs , which can be picked up by zombies , causing them to never depsawn. Just something I heard , dont quote me on it :)
Arent chicken Jockeys a very bad thing lag wise? I heard that the zombie on top of the chicken will despawn , but leave the chicken loaded. The chicken will then lay eggs , which can be picked up by zombies , causing them to never depsawn. Just something I heard , dont quote me on it :)

Quote from uncovery on 2014/02/27, 21:07No version of Bukkit or Spigot is using 1.7.4 code yet. There is not even a stable version of 1.7.2 out yet, we have been running on a beta since. I would assume that the next version will be already 1.7.5 since some server code improvements have been made for that one. I am not sure if there were significant changes for the server between 1.7.2 and 1.7.4.
No version of Bukkit or Spigot is using 1.7.4 code yet. There is not even a stable version of 1.7.2 out yet, we have been running on a beta since. I would assume that the next version will be already 1.7.5 since some server code improvements have been made for that one. I am not sure if there were significant changes for the server between 1.7.2 and 1.7.4.

Quote from Daiyamondo on 2014/03/03, 05:36Chicken Jockeys were supposedly optimized/changed in one update to fix the lag mobs, can't remember.
Chicken Jockeys were supposedly optimized/changed in one update to fix the lag mobs, can't remember.
Quote from MagicDave_ on 2014/04/03, 07:21I found a chicken jockey , I would like that reward now :)
*Forum : Baby Zombie Chicken Jockey Spotted*
I found a chicken jockey , I would like that reward now :)
*Forum : Baby Zombie Chicken Jockey Spotted*