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Do you have a popular server?
Can't join your own server cause it is full?
iReserve gives you an Reserve list!

For example:
Your server haves 30 player slots
You put your self in the Reserve list and change the config.
Now 29 people can join and it keeps 1 slot open for you!

Other example:
Your server haves 30 player slots
You put your self and 9 other guys in the Reserve list and change the config.
reservecount = 5
Now 25 people can join the normal slots and 5 of the 10 the Reserved slots


•Reserve slots for you and your friends
•You can have more players in the reserve list then Reserve slots
•Configurable disconnect message (If players joins the server but no space this message will come up)


With the growing popularity of the server this plugin might be useful in the future for you uncovery

Yeah I have already since some time this in my list of possible plugins. However, we had 32 people online already w/o any lag, so the chances that we need that are low at the moment. Will see if that changes when we have the nether etc.