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Issue with permisions

I have not been able to connect in some time i am already on citizen level, I think my plot was reset and not sure if i got banned(since i do not appear on the banned list) or lost my permision for not login in a while. I have logged back in and i am unable to perform any command. Please let me know if i can at least get permisions back . thanks in advance.

I think you are stuck in the hunger games map. Try talking on the server. If you see [hunger] behind your name then that is the case. If so, try /suicide.

If that does not help, I can delete your userfile to reset your position. That should not impact anything in a bad way for you.

Hi there. You are not banned. You would get a message otherwise that you are banned.

I am not sure what the issue is since you say you could not connect in the first line and then later you cannot do commands.

Please describe exactly what you are doing and what exactly is not working.

You are aware that the server address changed? We are now on instead of

Hi Uncovery thanks for the reply. Let me explain,i can log in the server the but it doesnt allow me to use any command , and i am Not Sure on What map i am logging on since if I try to move around its seems to be a very short map (i can reach the limits in less than a minute walk in any direction) I think I can probably upload a couple images tomorrow Morning so you can see the responses I get to see if this helps. Again thanks for the help and for the great server. Will upload images and put the links for the pics here so you can check them.