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Kick for flying

Today on 10/16/2013 I was kicked off the server and it said due to flying,

I was at that time operating a boat to get across an ocean.

When I tried to get back on the server it would not let me log back in.

Sorry about that. The no-cheat plugin is a bit sensitive and this stuff can happen. Did you get banned? What message did you get on relogin? Are you able to join now?

I am not able to even access the server anymore. I was not banned I don't think.

a few messages appeared. One was a bunch saying return something or other. Other is can't verify password or server account.

Scratch last able to get on again????????

Password issues are minecraft issues, not our server. If you want to resolve the issue, you can come on IRC and chat directly with me. I can look at the console and see if I can do something.