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Hey everyone! I'll be gone for awhile. School has started again, and I really want to focus more on that and what not. My projects will be delayed until I have time to mess with them. Do not worry I am not leaving for good! You may have noticed I haven't been on lately.^^

Anyways, basically minecraft is getting kind of "Old" to me as well. So a good break is well needed. I don't know how long I will be off. I will most likely only get on when I need to(within a two month period), holidays, and when I feel like chatting. :) As I like to say, Real life, then Minecraft. Again, this is not permanent, just a "Long" break. I'll probably stop by when 1.8 comes out and what not.

I had a great time on this server, and I loved the style and friendly players. I will always keep you guys in mind and again I really had a great time.

Re-cap: Real life needs to be taken care of first. School, family, and stuff like that. Just taking a "long" break.

So I guess this is bye for now! Loved the server. It is really great, Uncovery.
I keep voting as well!

Peace out! See you around:


(Not leaving for ever)

Sounds like a plan! I'll be right behind you.

Can OSF have all the leftovers and basically everything

Im doing the same thing. School is restarting, and recently, things have really been picking up in my life, since that incident in April. I will not be gone forever, but I need a break. Once 1.8 comes out, I will return without a doubt. Until then -Zapp3d :D