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Redstone Projects

Redstone projects are fun and can be useful. I myself use many a redstone contraption in my builds, either to enhance the build itself or to help me with resources for building. There is however a problem with redstone. Lag. Because of the lag that large redstone projects can cause, Unc has a set of redstone rules posted on the website. I ask that we all please follow these rules when building redstone projects. Even if it is a project for the community at large, say a farming contraption that allows players access to rare in game items, the massive lag it causes for other people on the server negates most of the good the builder was trying to achieve. I am posting this post because I visited the new wither farm in the nether and noticed that it was against the rules. It is now shut off and has to be re-designed so that it is within the rules. I know how much work and effort went into this build and I do feel bad for being the one who got it shut down. I don't like feeling guilty and being the bad guy but I had to say something. Please help me and the other higher ranked players not feel guilty by staying within the rules when building redstone. Thanks.

For your comfort, you were not the one who got it shut down. I checked it out by myself to take a look since I saw that player in-game were at the location.

Hi Guys.
First of all sorry, I did not intend to break the rules at all. I also do not intend to argue with the rules. I was aware of the rule when building the contraption and decided that as it needed to be triggered by a spawning mob that it was not continuously on. In reality you are completely right as it never really stops unless you get close to it or really far away from it. Do not feel guilty at all as it was my fault. The lag was an unforeseen consequence of the project as I had changed the design I'd seen online to negate most of the lag already (using only a minor fraction of the pistons in the blueprints). I guess I'd like to ask that if I could redesign it to be toggle-able on and off could I re-enable it?
Thanks and sorry again,

Yes, you can do that.