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The Map Room

Many Greetings members of the Uncovery Network,

As a V.I.P [The V means Variable, The I means Idiotic if you did not know, And if you need me to tell you the P you shouldn't be here, but it is Persona] member of this server i have rebuild the map room which is located on the bridge and tunnel to the public area and just off the PvP Arena building.

Anyway i wish to ask members what they may like me to add to the map room or any improvements that can be made.

Before you comment i wish you to know this

* It should be updated at least once a week, unless a major change occurs or OSF takes a nice holiday or something along those lines(so if you ask why am i not here and you recieved you lot in less then a week i will be annoyed)

* I am not making a individual sign for each lot (mainly due to possible change and it would look UGLY)

* Clans most likely may not get a special block same goes for individual users,
(this has changed for select users that are awesome/senior in the server e.g. Uncovery ehehehehehehhe)

* I would like people being serious about this

* [This post may be edited due to posts from ones below]

* Patterns are going to take a LOT of work (cbf right now, latter maybe but most likely not)

* Check the Legend before asking about particular blocks

* The black and white wool will stay atm

maybe you should specify all V.I.P's lots

s9, s8

OSF, I think it would be cool if you made all the VIP lots red wool. Would make them stand out more :)

They will get a custom block for their property once server is updated i shall do it

K12, O14 so far ~

+ P13 and P14

I agree maybe you put all VIP's and Arch's lots on there.

V.I.P lots have been planned for an while now getting the lot numbers and Arches is an nono