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Alright, So I put emeralds onto the market for LIBRARY ONLY, and set them to cost 0.00001. I say that they are for library only, and Thief_King (hence his name) takes them, admits to stealing
([17:43] <mc-bot> Thief_King (empire): Thieves will be thieves, lad.
[17:43] <mc-bot> Thief_King (empire): :3)
and GG. I had 20.

He gave them back. He was just joking.

' stealing '

If you are putting something on the market, EVERYONE, has access to it; and protected by the fact that it is now on a cloud where everyone can buy it.

I can buy it off the market, as I usually would.

I paid with my own uncs, perhaps next time it is best you put it in someones deposit or physically giving them the things.

I did nothing harmful here, sorry you felt this way.

I actually didn't get anything from him, so I don't know if he's lying or not.

Even in the event you believe I did not give them back, I put them on the market where there is screenshots of me putting them back and where jonno got them and gave them to library.

I did what I felt was right, and I believe you should have some sort of respite from it.

But what I am saying is that it is relatively rude for you to do exactly what I kindly asked everyone not to do. I still do not have those emeralds. Also, you only "paid" 0.00020 Uncs for it. That's not really paying for anything. Library's deposit was also full.

Darth. He wasnt stealing them. It was a freaking joke, and he put them back on the market immediately. I bought them not to keep Thief from buying them, but because Lib lives in Darklands now and there was no telling when she would be back and able to buy them. Me getting them would make sure Lib got them as we are on all the time together.

I tried to buy them too when you first listed them because I knew someone else would. Accusing him of theft when they went back on the market in like 10 seconds is a bit much here. Lib will get all the emeralds. Don't worry so much.

How about we all take a forum break for a day or two?

Ok, so here a couple of hints:

a) use the deposit to transfer stuff to people, not the shop.
b) stop bickering on the forum. If there is an issue between one person and only one or two others, settle that per mail. Don't accuse people in public. It just deteriorates the overall mood on the server and does not solve anything. If you feel you need to talk to a higher instance, go to a Master, Elder or myself.
c) stop pranks on people you don't know. If someone feels the need to be extra funny without knowing who is sitting on the receiving end, I'll happily join into the fun and dish out bans - no matter who is siting on the receiving end.

I'm sorry e.e