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User Soonsmithers using fowl language and offensive terms

Hi, I have a problem to report. Guest Soonsmithers came into the server today and started calling us faggots, c.u.n.t's, and other words. He said the server "sucked balls" and wasn't afraid to be banned. Of course, we're ganging together to ban him and we all used the /ignore command. He was a real pain in the butt and was very offensive for no reason.

I've compiled the information, and sent a report to Uncovery. Should be banned soon. He is jailed right now. Thanks.

Here's a screeny of the crime:

Complete proof. There's more to it, but it'd take too much time to upload them all.

Here's a couple more screenies:




Maybe these screenshots will be of more use

So why doesn't anyone use the Help Forum Topic? I will get an email once someone posts there.

dont you hate immature people who join servers and trash them without knowing the first thing about them

I was hoping it was a play on words and that he was talking about birds 8(