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We're not here to...

For all those people who are new to the Minecraft uncovery server, this is a bit of information you should know before you ask us questions:

First off, we're not in the server to answer questions. We may seem like we know everything because we have colored nametags whilst you have a gray or yellow nametag, but that knowledge we contain is for you to find out, not for us to tell you.
We get annoyed from nonstop questions, and especially annoyed with those who ask questions, take the quiz, and then say the server sucks just because they can't pass one test.
We also get annoyed with those who ask how to get to different world, an answer to the settler quiz, what gamemode a world is, or where is what.
One of the most annoying things we get is "Where is the portal house?" Well, if you can't read a simple sign saying "Portal House," Then this server is not right for you.
We're not very tolerant of those who ask questions such as "Where is the city?" and "Why is my nametag gray?"
Honestly, if you don't know where the City is, think again. The City is where everyone spawns currently.
Sometimes I get questions about "How to get higher ranks?" Well, first off, you have to be a citizen first. You have to be a settler for 120 days, then you're a citizen. Win a contest or build something awesome and get suggestions from Elders or Masters if you want to be an Architect.

So as you can see, when we get dumb questions like "Where is the Portal House," we get really annoyed. When we explain where it is, the person asking the question keeps asking, eventually muted, jailed, or banned for spamming. When muted or jailed, the user thinks the server sucks just because we won't answer a simple question.

If you were us, you'd get the clue of what it's like to be constantly asked the same question.

i think this is a good thing to read if you are new there have been at least 2 help vampires to day both asked where is the portal room and i wish i had /mute because i was getting really annoyed 1 even asked what world lot R3 is in and i was tempted to type
*face palm*

you could just use /ignore, that command is listed on he user levels and commands page

I'm not sure how effective writing on the website to people who don't read the website will be.

Well, it may be possible Uncovery or any other "high ranks" can put this forum up for those who join the website. They'll see it as the newest headline.

Ok... there are several dimensions to this.

  • I understand your frustration. The system we have here with the lots and the fact that users have to do something by themselves instead having someone do everything for them is creating a whole host of these situations. This is why we are constantly working on plugins and the website to make it easier to handle. The issue is not only to tell someone how stuff works but also to tell someone how this is different from something else he might have seen on another server. A bunch of people here logon for example and expect the shop to have endless resources.
  • What you are trying to do here is hopeless. People who ask questions in 99% of the cases do NOT read ANY instruction as sockso pointed out. I also do not want to keep your text here permanently on the front page. There are tons of similar texts all over the pages you go through when you whitelist and become settler.
  • What we rather have to ask for is at what point people ask it and why they do not know it. We have to take them and push their nose into a way to find the portal house so they do not need to ask the question.

There are several possible situations here:

  • people are in the guest house and just plain stupid. Not much we can do here except telling them to read the signs.
  • people left the guest house to look at stuff and do not know how to get to the portal house from lets say Rome. Thats normal since they might not know about /spawn and in /spawn they would have to read another sign to get to the portal house. How would they know that they have to warp to spawn and then again with the /story command to the guest house? They might have not even read the "become builder" sign yet?

I think the clear message here is that there is room for improvement in the way the guest house is setup and how we can allow people to see the builds of the server but make it clear to them how to continue from there. And then there are the idiots. Oh well.

If I had more time I would write a code that checks how often people try the settler quiz until they succeed and then find a good number of times you can try before you are automatically banned from the site - to weed those people out.

Love the auto-ban part! (2 cents)