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Lag issues

Around 3:00 pm EST the server starts getting some lag. Its very annoying when you mined one block 5 times and it didn't brake xD This has been happening for two days now by the way. I know this is not just me, a lot of players get the lag as well. Uncovery, if you have time, can you please look into this; maybe you can find a solution.

He made a server reload every 30 min to kill the lag

even even the server reloads every 30 min, it doesn't seem like thats working.

Micko has finally figured out how to DOS, "RUN TO THE HILLS!!!"

I'm sorry, but I didn't get that OSF cD

LOL @ OSF. Micko is the ringleader at LulzSec!

It's unplayable right now.

ok. I found the issue as far as I can see. Some plugin was starting to accumulate processing power and would sooner or later start massive lag. A /reload would normally fix the lag immediately, which is good news because it means that a server restart is not needed.

I installed a "/reload" every hour (at x:30, not every 30 minutes), but there was an error in the execution which should be fixed now. I will monitor the situation today to make sure that the reloading of the server is actually working.

That's great news Uncovery! Hope this will fix the issue.