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Took too long to log in

I'm new here.Have kept trying to login for 10 min now. I am registred on the page, I am whitelisted as the e-mail said me, but can't log in:S Can anyone help me?

Are you updated to 1.2.3? That could be the problem since the server is still running 1.1.

Another possibility is you might be connecting to as this is the 1.2.3 temporary server. To log in on 1.1 please connect to

well, i now got a new error, You are not whitelisted on that server. Game shows me the server, Temporary server and all, but why i'm not whitelisted there aswell?

The temp server whitelist does not update automatically. It's primarily there for our regular users to try out the new stuff and try to break plugins until Uncovery gets everything up to par so we can update the actual server.

Soo, what you are saying, i can't play at all at unrecovery server atm? :(

You can. The 1.2.3 server was restarted in the meantime and the whitelist is now updated.

Thanks to all replyers:) I am realy Grateful :)

Thats what were here for. Glad to have you part of the server:)