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Deposit Bug.

It seems like when you withdraw something from your deposit in big amounts, some of the items disappear.

Yesterday, I deposited a full large chest of sugar, in order to transfer it to my new storage. However, when I withdrew it all today, the large chest did not completely fill in. I had 54 stacks of sugar originally, and was only able to fill the chest in with 31.

Also today, I deposited 54 stacks of eggs (full large chest). However again, when I withdrew them all and put them into another chest, it didn't completely fill in. Luckily, I was able to get some screenshot for this one.

I'll appreciated if you guys take a look into this. If I missed something, I'm really sorry :)

Also, 864 eggs are equal to 54 stacks (864/16)

It might be a bug with not enough inventory space.

Yeah, possibly

You were right. It did not take the 16 items limit into consideration. Should be fixed now